vrijdag 18 juni 2010

chocolade boterham met nachos erin.

1) maak 1 chocoladeboterham
2) pak ook wat nacho's (neutrale smaak)
3) Doe de nacho's in de boterham en dan heb je een chocolade boterham met nacho's erin


1) make 1 chocolate sandwich
2) take some nachos ( neutral flavour)
3) Put the nachos inside the sandwich and then you will have a chocolate sandwich with nachos in it.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. What are you trying to do?
    kill the human race.

    Stop being a cook and become a torturer

  2. Hello this is Samir. Just saw your website. I think it also needs to be in English but I can guess what it says (luckily words like chocolate and nachoes are the same in English and Dutch) I am glad to say that the recipes are weird but not really disgusting-chocolate and nacho sandwich is however very, very weird.

  3. hmmm this is indeed a fabulously strange recipe but I don't think Nachos goes with chocolate or bread. However, I would be happy to have a taste as it may be delicious.

    As for the the Spaghetti Taco's eeeeek anyone who actually likes spaghetti in tomato sauce is weird anyway :P

    I hope you have made both these recipes and tasted them yourself :D. Are they tasty?

  4. I already tasted both of them and tastes nice and crunchy.
